Wednesday, May 28, 2008

a goat in a coat

I bought this little coat at Mass. Sheep and Wool Festival this weekend. Doesn't Charlotte look sweet in it? It's really for a newborn lamb or sheep, but because she's a dwarf it fits her fine. It's really too warm for it, but the kids had fun for a few minutes. They are planning to use it as pattern to make her a whole wardrobe.

The Festival was really fun. Lots of great vendors--I bought a beaded orifice hook (if you have to ask what that means--don't google it, I think that would be scary), more fleece and wool (but it was controlled spending), a felted pumpkin, a handmade fireplace broom, and some sari yarn for Sophie's weaving.

If you want to see links for where we went, Paula did all the work on her blog:

Then Sunday Paula and I went up to Vermont open studios--potters, knitters, and needle felters, oh my. We also put our feet in a river, hiked to some old growth, ate some local cheese, and saw a skinny dipper in downtown Brattleboro. As always, after a visit, I am left wondering why I don't live in Vermont!
Charlotte has a snack with a little help from her mom.

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