Friday, June 13, 2008

more birthday--it's a goat thing

The kids made goat themed birthday presents--aren't they awesome?!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

yet more bday

a pinata b-day cake from Paula!
a mallet to smash the pinata b-day cake from Paula
a partially smashed pinata cake from Paula (it's harder than it looks!)
and inside chocolate truffles!


Yes it's my birthday!

Ogden Nash said:
Well, here I am thirty-eight
Well I certainly thought I'd have longer to wait,
You just stop in for a couple of beers,
And gosh, there go thirty-seven years.
Well it certainly has been fun,
But I certainly thought I'd have got a lot more done.
Why if I'd been waked up and alive,
I could have been a Congressman since I was twenty-one
or President since I was thirty-five.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

eat your fruits and veggies

With all this heat the strawberries are ready early and we went picking this morning!

I'm hosting a CSA drop off site and the first shares came. I am embarrassingly happy about this. lettuce, bok choy, spinach, summer turnips, radishes, arugula . . .There are still a few shares available if you're interested.

Monday, June 9, 2008

hot enough to bake cookies on the dash

We're sweltering thru a heatwave and today the girls and I baked chocolate chip cookies on the dash of my car! It took about 3 hours and they were so good. Such fun and we didn't have to turn on our oven. I just faced the car west, rolled up the windows and set out the cookie sheets.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

bird mystery

For the last 5 years we have had nesting chickadees in a nesting box in our front yard. They are great fun to watch.
They start off as little speckled eggs. This year we had a nest like this when Sophie checked on Friday.
And yesterday we had this--eggs but no nest. I have no explanation. Anyone want to try to explain where the nest went? We have lost sparrow eggs to predators, so there's been a nest with no eggs. But why the heck would there be eggs and no nest??!

help mothers and midwives in bali

My friend Katherine, a Vermont midwife, is helping to organize a fund raiser for the birthing women of Bali. Her hope is that every mom will donate a dollar and spread the word. Of course you don't have to be a mom to help.