1. How to Talk About Books You Haven't Read by Pierre Bayard. No I haven't read it either, but what a great concept.
2. Carmel in hot cider with whipped cream like they serve at Starbucks.
3. Peanut butter in hot chocolate like they do at Sylvesters in Northampton, Mass., one of my favorite restaurants.
4. The Peepee tipi. Yes it is horrifying that people spend money on this, but if I used the profits for good rather than evil . . .
http://www.yarnharlot.ca/ Stephanie knits. And writes about knitting. And goes around to knit shops and talks to knitters. This is her actual job. And she's very funny at it.
6. The baby wearing group Nine in Nine Out.
http://www.nineinnineout.org/ Yes, the concept is fabulous, babies love to be worn, there's a reason folks have been doing it since the beginning oftime. But I'm actually referring to their name--it's so cute!
7. The magic scarf. You knit a regular scarf, do a funky cast off, intentionally drop half your stitches, and get a cool lacey scarf.
http://spellingtuesday.com/magicscarf.html8. Dyeing wool in Kool Aid.
http://snowangels.typepad.com/photos/kool_aid_dyeing/index.html I've done this with the kids. It really works, you get pretty pastels, and the kool aid, is urr, non-toxic.
9. Intentionally felting old sweaters, or making use of the ones that accidentally go in the dryer to make mittens, arm warmers, bags, blankets. This is addictive really.
/http://www.supernaturale.com/articles.html?id=6810. Serving soup in a whole pumpkin that you've hollowed out.