Tuesday, March 11, 2008

spring is sprouting

We're forcing forsythia. (I don't know why I can't rotate the pictures again!)

Sophie hung up this bag of fleece and yarn for the nesting birds yesterday morning . . .

. . . and by yesterday afternoon the chickadees had put some of the green fleece in the nesting box outside our front door. (Sorry it doesn't show up that well in the picture.)
My friend Sandy has a son whose birthday is May 15th, the same as Rebecca's. Sandy just bought a sheep who is due to lamb on . . . May 15th. If she has a set of boy/girl twins, their names will be Rebecca and Hank!

The sap is freezing in the buckets over night and dripping like crazy by noon. We're getting over 5 gallons a day from our 7 taps.
And, ok, this isn't strictly a sign of spring, but Agway delivered the panels for our goats today!

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