Saturday, April 12, 2008

who knew . . .

that goats love banana peels?!

Top dog, errr goat
Charlottes HELLps with the milking
Like mother, like daughter
Can Honey come out and play?


Anonymous said...

I'm all caught up now. The milking pictures are great. The cheese was delicious! And the quote about happiness is a good reminder - "live every minute with love, grace and gratitude."

Lynnie said...

Cute idea to use the old playhouse as a milking station! How come our dairy goat never stands that still when we try to milk her? Good luck with your farm!

Anonymous said...

Finally got my internet access back at home. So nice to see pictures of Bella and Charlotte. Charlotte must be quick big now! Are they always allowed on the porch? Has Honey had a chance to play with them? Hope you are all well and enjoying springtime with the goats. Marjorie